Alfred Schaffer
DAY(DREAM) # 9,377
I’d been home maybe an hourwhen I slipped out again.
Not long before the sun would set
I walked up the road to the woods behind the railway line
and the football pitches, carrying my homemade spear.
Its point a dreadful screech.
They said a dog had got out
some rare breed, jet black as a sermon,
the froth that was on its jaws.
Barking to stay ahead of the darkness
I flitted after my shadow between the trees
until a solid curtain was ripped away.
Something was there, half-buried under a few leaves and sand.
I raised my spear, took a step forwards and froze.
As though I had suddenly forfeited the right to speak –
my T-shirt stuck to my body
the prism of my skin was like a flickering dream
For a short time I emitted light
and then I was put out.
© Translation: 2014, Michele Hutchison
DAG(DROOM) # 9.377
DAG(DROOM) # 9.377
Ik was misschien een uurtje thuistoen sloop ik weer naar buiten.
Niet lang meer of de zon zou ondergaan
ik liep de weg op naar het bos achter de treinbaan
en de voetbalvelden met mijn zelfgemaakte speer.
De punt een ijselijk gekrijs.
Er zou een hond zijn losgebroken
van een zeldzaam ras, gitzwart als een donderpreek
het schuim dat op zijn kaken stond.
Blaffend om het donker voor te blijven
flitste ik mijn schaduw achterna tussen de stammen door
tot een massief gordijn werd weggerukt.
Daar lag iets, half verstopt onder wat bladeren en zand.
Ik hief mijn speer, deed een stap naar voren bleef zo staan.
Alsof ik plotseling geen recht van spreken had –
mijn T-shirt plakte aan mijn bovenlijf
het prisma van mijn huid was als een flakkerende droom.
Even gaf ik licht
toen werd ik uitgedoofd.
© 2014, Alfred Schaffer
From: Mens Dier Ding
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: Mens Dier Ding
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of Alfred Schaffer
DAY(DREAM) # 9,377
I’d been home maybe an hourwhen I slipped out again.
Not long before the sun would set
I walked up the road to the woods behind the railway line
and the football pitches, carrying my homemade spear.
Its point a dreadful screech.
They said a dog had got out
some rare breed, jet black as a sermon,
the froth that was on its jaws.
Barking to stay ahead of the darkness
I flitted after my shadow between the trees
until a solid curtain was ripped away.
Something was there, half-buried under a few leaves and sand.
I raised my spear, took a step forwards and froze.
As though I had suddenly forfeited the right to speak –
my T-shirt stuck to my body
the prism of my skin was like a flickering dream
For a short time I emitted light
and then I was put out.
© 2014, Michele Hutchison
From: Mens Dier Ding
From: Mens Dier Ding
DAY(DREAM) # 9,377
I’d been home maybe an hourwhen I slipped out again.
Not long before the sun would set
I walked up the road to the woods behind the railway line
and the football pitches, carrying my homemade spear.
Its point a dreadful screech.
They said a dog had got out
some rare breed, jet black as a sermon,
the froth that was on its jaws.
Barking to stay ahead of the darkness
I flitted after my shadow between the trees
until a solid curtain was ripped away.
Something was there, half-buried under a few leaves and sand.
I raised my spear, took a step forwards and froze.
As though I had suddenly forfeited the right to speak –
my T-shirt stuck to my body
the prism of my skin was like a flickering dream
For a short time I emitted light
and then I was put out.
© 2014, Michele Hutchison

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère