Tomas Lieske
I am the angel that alleviates the ragingbends the hurricane round.
For years
a glass city surrounded her on all sidesIn one night all the glass was shattered.
Stroke the shards from her
black hair, save her will to live.
After the funeral put everything away.
Her hands that hold the toys so tightly
free them again and set them in motion.
Quench her thirst after only tainted water
keep the dead birds at a distance
sprinkle the cracked roads with cinders.
A warm cover when the sun sets
a tent to live in and to pray
a fire against the belly-crawling vermin
a narrative to structure thoughts.
Close her eyes, tighten her rhythm
tilt her limbs on the hard ground,
lift up her hippopotamus.
© Translation: 2013, Willem Groenewegen
Ik ben de engel die het razen vermindertde orkaan doet afbuigen.
heeft een glazen stad om haar heen gestaan.
In één nacht is al het glas versplinterd.
De scherven uit haar zwarte haren
strijken, haar wil om te leven bewaren.
Na de begrafenis alles opbergen.
Haar handen die zich aan het speelgoed klemmen
weer bevrijden en in beweging brengen.
Haar dorst lessen na alleen bedorven water
de dode vogels op afstand houden
de gebarsten wegen met sintels bestrooien.
Als de zon ondergaat een warm dek
een tent om in te wonen en te bidden
een vuur tegen het buikkruipend ongedierte
een vertelling om de gedachten te ordenen.
Haar ogen sluiten, haar ritme opspannen
haar ledematen op de harde grond
kantelen, haar nijlpaard optillen.
© 2012, Tomas Lieske
From: Haar nijlpaard optillen
Publisher: Querido, Amsterdam
From: Haar nijlpaard optillen
Publisher: Querido, Amsterdam
Poems of Tomas Lieske
I am the angel that alleviates the ragingbends the hurricane round.
For years
a glass city surrounded her on all sidesIn one night all the glass was shattered.
Stroke the shards from her
black hair, save her will to live.
After the funeral put everything away.
Her hands that hold the toys so tightly
free them again and set them in motion.
Quench her thirst after only tainted water
keep the dead birds at a distance
sprinkle the cracked roads with cinders.
A warm cover when the sun sets
a tent to live in and to pray
a fire against the belly-crawling vermin
a narrative to structure thoughts.
Close her eyes, tighten her rhythm
tilt her limbs on the hard ground,
lift up her hippopotamus.
© 2013, Willem Groenewegen
From: Haar nijlpaard optillen
From: Haar nijlpaard optillen
I am the angel that alleviates the ragingbends the hurricane round.
For years
a glass city surrounded her on all sidesIn one night all the glass was shattered.
Stroke the shards from her
black hair, save her will to live.
After the funeral put everything away.
Her hands that hold the toys so tightly
free them again and set them in motion.
Quench her thirst after only tainted water
keep the dead birds at a distance
sprinkle the cracked roads with cinders.
A warm cover when the sun sets
a tent to live in and to pray
a fire against the belly-crawling vermin
a narrative to structure thoughts.
Close her eyes, tighten her rhythm
tilt her limbs on the hard ground,
lift up her hippopotamus.
© 2013, Willem Groenewegen
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