Elke Erb
You see yourself at a distance when you read about Holland. You could be anybody. Whoever reads about Holland is there in spirit. Holland’s eminence pushes it into the far distance. Its eminence is composite, one thing connected to another. Naval power, commercial power, sheep breeding, lens grinding. Going from Holland to Spain, however, is almost no sweat at all. Just that trifle, France. Even the Pyrenees are nothing; on the contrary: no sooner named than you’ve already crossed them. In Spain you buy meat. At the inns you ask for a free bed, a pot, and fire. They are too few, they don’t cook for travelers. Everybody brings his own when traveling in Spain. The era is the Baroque. The moon is uninhabited, we are not unreasonable.
© Translation: 2013, Rosmarie Waldrop
Je ziet jezelf toch erg ver als je over Holland leest. Je kunt iedereen wel zijn. Wie over Holland leest, is daar in zijn geest. Hollands luister trekt het land de verte in. De luister is een eenheid, het een sluit aan bij het ander. Zeemacht, handelsmacht, schaapsteelt, lenzenslijpers. Maar van Holland naar Spanje gaan is een peulenschil. Het wissewasje Frankrijk. Ook de Pyreneeën zijn niets, integendeel: ze even aanstippen en je bent er al over heen. In Spanje koop je vlees. In de herbergen vraag je naar een vrij bed, een pan en vuur. Ze zijn met te weinig, voor reizigers koken ze niet. Zo draagt ieder het zijne die in Spanje reist. Het tijdperk is de barok. De maan is onbewoond, onbescheiden zijn we niet.
© Vertaling: 2013, Ton Naaijkens
Man sieht sich doch sehr fern, wenn man von Holland liest. Man kann jeder sein. Wer von Holland liest, ist geistig dort. Die Erhabenheit Hollands rückt es in die Ferne. Die Erhabenheit ist ein Verbund, da kommt eins zum andern. Die Seemacht, Handelsmacht, die Schafzucht, die Linsenschleifer. Nach Spanien jedoch von Holland ist fast nichts. Die Kleinigkeit Frankreich. Auch die Pyrenäen sind nichts, im Gegenteil: kaum ihr Name, und schon ist man hinüber. Man kauft in Spanien Fleisch. In den Herbergen fragt man nach einem freien Bett und Topf und Feuer. Sie sind zu wenige Leute, für Reisende kochen sie nicht. So trägt jeder Seins bei sich, der da in Spanien reist. Das Zeitalter ist der Barock. Der Mond ist nicht bewohnt, wir sind nicht unbescheiden.
© 2008, Elke Erb
From: Sonanz: 5-Minuten-Notate
Publisher: Urs Engeler Editor, Basel
From: Sonanz: 5-Minuten-Notate
Publisher: Urs Engeler Editor, Basel
Poems of Elke Erb
You see yourself at a distance when you read about Holland. You could be anybody. Whoever reads about Holland is there in spirit. Holland’s eminence pushes it into the far distance. Its eminence is composite, one thing connected to another. Naval power, commercial power, sheep breeding, lens grinding. Going from Holland to Spain, however, is almost no sweat at all. Just that trifle, France. Even the Pyrenees are nothing; on the contrary: no sooner named than you’ve already crossed them. In Spain you buy meat. At the inns you ask for a free bed, a pot, and fire. They are too few, they don’t cook for travelers. Everybody brings his own when traveling in Spain. The era is the Baroque. The moon is uninhabited, we are not unreasonable.
© 2013, Rosmarie Waldrop
From: Sonanz: 5-Minuten-Notate
From: Sonanz: 5-Minuten-Notate
You see yourself at a distance when you read about Holland. You could be anybody. Whoever reads about Holland is there in spirit. Holland’s eminence pushes it into the far distance. Its eminence is composite, one thing connected to another. Naval power, commercial power, sheep breeding, lens grinding. Going from Holland to Spain, however, is almost no sweat at all. Just that trifle, France. Even the Pyrenees are nothing; on the contrary: no sooner named than you’ve already crossed them. In Spain you buy meat. At the inns you ask for a free bed, a pot, and fire. They are too few, they don’t cook for travelers. Everybody brings his own when traveling in Spain. The era is the Baroque. The moon is uninhabited, we are not unreasonable.
© 2013, Rosmarie Waldrop

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère