Poetry International Poetry International

Mangalesh Dabral


This number does not exist.
Wherever I go whichever number I dial
At the other end a strange voice says
This number does not exist yeh number maujood nahin hai
Not too long ago at this number I used to reach people
Who said: of course we recognize you
There is space for you in this universe

But now this number does not exist it is some old number.
At these old addresses very few people are left
Where at the sound of footsteps doors would be opened
Now one has to ring the bell and wait in apprehension
And finally when one appears
It is possible that he might have changed
Or he might say I am not the one you used to talk to
This is not the number where you would hear out your grief

Wherever I go numbers maps faces seem to be changed
Old diaries are strewn in the gutters
Their names slow-fading in the water
Now other numbers are available more than ever with and without wires
But a different kind of conversation on them
Only business only transactions buy-and-sell voices like strangers
Whenever I go I desperately dial a number
And ask for the voice that used to say
The door is open you can stay here
Come along for a while just for the sake of it any time in this universe.


Dit nummer bestaat niet
Waar ik ook ga, wie ik ook bel
vaak hoor ik een vreeemde stem
"This number does not exist": dit nummer bestaat niet
Niet al te lang geleden trof ik op dit nummer velen
die zeiden: kom, wij herkennen je
er is voor jou ook een plaatsje gemaakt onder dit uitspansel

Maar nu is dat nummer niet beschikbaar, het was een of ander oud nummer
Op die oude adressen zijn bitter weinig mensen overgebleven
Waar vroeger deuren opengingen zodra voetstappen klonken
moet men nu aanbellen en buiten een tijdje in spanning staan wachten
En als er dan eindelijk iemand verschijnt
kan het zijn dat zijn uiterlijk veranderd is
of dat-ie zegt: ik ben niet degene met wie jij gewend was te spreken
dit is niet het nummer waarop jij gewoon was je hart uit te storten

Waar ik ook ga, ik zie dat nummers, contouren, gezichten veranderd zijn
Ik vind oude agenda’s, weggegooid in de goot;
namen langzaam oplossend in het water
Nu zijn, meer dan ooit, andere nummers geldig, draadloos of niet
Daarop een ander soort gesprekken:
slechts transacties, saaie zaken, stemmen die kopen en verkopen, steeds vreemder wordt ’t
Waar ik ook ga, ik bel in wanhoop een nummer
vraag naar die stem die vroeger altijd zei
de deur is open, je kunt hier verblijven
kom even langs als je ooit onder dit uitspansel bent



This number does not exist.
Wherever I go whichever number I dial
At the other end a strange voice says
This number does not exist yeh number maujood nahin hai
Not too long ago at this number I used to reach people
Who said: of course we recognize you
There is space for you in this universe

But now this number does not exist it is some old number.
At these old addresses very few people are left
Where at the sound of footsteps doors would be opened
Now one has to ring the bell and wait in apprehension
And finally when one appears
It is possible that he might have changed
Or he might say I am not the one you used to talk to
This is not the number where you would hear out your grief

Wherever I go numbers maps faces seem to be changed
Old diaries are strewn in the gutters
Their names slow-fading in the water
Now other numbers are available more than ever with and without wires
But a different kind of conversation on them
Only business only transactions buy-and-sell voices like strangers
Whenever I go I desperately dial a number
And ask for the voice that used to say
The door is open you can stay here
Come along for a while just for the sake of it any time in this universe.


This number does not exist.
Wherever I go whichever number I dial
At the other end a strange voice says
This number does not exist yeh number maujood nahin hai
Not too long ago at this number I used to reach people
Who said: of course we recognize you
There is space for you in this universe

But now this number does not exist it is some old number.
At these old addresses very few people are left
Where at the sound of footsteps doors would be opened
Now one has to ring the bell and wait in apprehension
And finally when one appears
It is possible that he might have changed
Or he might say I am not the one you used to talk to
This is not the number where you would hear out your grief

Wherever I go numbers maps faces seem to be changed
Old diaries are strewn in the gutters
Their names slow-fading in the water
Now other numbers are available more than ever with and without wires
But a different kind of conversation on them
Only business only transactions buy-and-sell voices like strangers
Whenever I go I desperately dial a number
And ask for the voice that used to say
The door is open you can stay here
Come along for a while just for the sake of it any time in this universe.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère