Sonja Prins
economy's tentacles
you may well talk
about economic power
sitting quietly on a chair
watching boat refugees
fall into the sea
but meanwhile
beneath that water
and the earth and the places
you sit and stand on
there is this concealed
leading entire groups to despair
destroying many
and making others rich
you can't
talk about it calmly
because you learned the hard way
and you know
you are part of it
through all its tentacles
vangarmen van de economie
vangarmen van de economie
je kunt wel praten
over economiese macht
rustig op een stoel gezeten
kijkend naar bootvluchtelingen
die in zee vallen
maar ondertussen
is er ergens
onder dat water
en de grond en de plaatsen
waarop je zit en staat
dat onzichtbare
dat hele groepen tot wanhoop
brengt velen vernietigt
anderen rijk maakt
je kunt er niet
rustig over praten want je wordt zelf
uit ervaring wijs
en je weet dat je erbij bent
door al zijn tentakels
Publisher: Uitgeverij Papieren Tijger, Breda
economy's tentacles
you may well talk
about economic power
sitting quietly on a chair
watching boat refugees
fall into the sea
but meanwhile
beneath that water
and the earth and the places
you sit and stand on
there is this concealed
leading entire groups to despair
destroying many
and making others rich
you can't
talk about it calmly
because you learned the hard way
and you know
you are part of it
through all its tentacles
From: Weegschaal de aarde 4 - Gedichten 1977-1979
economy's tentacles
you may well talk
about economic power
sitting quietly on a chair
watching boat refugees
fall into the sea
but meanwhile
beneath that water
and the earth and the places
you sit and stand on
there is this concealed
leading entire groups to despair
destroying many
and making others rich
you can't
talk about it calmly
because you learned the hard way
and you know
you are part of it
through all its tentacles