Roberta Petzoldt
Before You Know It
I knew for the first time that a year possessed a numberand wrote 1990 underneath every drawing I had made.
My brother forbade my mother from placing the limp ironing board
out on the street
I saved shards of the first coffee pot I saw shatter.
Two melancholy children guarding the household goods
like prison warders.
We cried as Sylvain the snowman was melting
the friend who lived by virtue of the freezing point
and we understood you can never make something twice.
In the shower I thought:
This might be the highlight of my life
staring at ever changing water rain
connecting the drops on the edge of the bath.
I saw how my childhood was finite
felt homesick for the self who had these thoughts.
Hypnotised by cohesion and gravity
I let drops of time
run across my body
down the drain.
© Translation: 2020, Laurens van de Linde
Voor je het weet
Voor je het weet
Ik wist voor het eerst dat een jaar een getal bezaten schreef 1990 onder elke tekening die ik gemaakt had.
Mijn broer verbood mijn moeder de manke strijkplank
op straat te zetten
ik bewaarde scherven van de eerste koffiepot die ik zag sneuvelen.
Twee melancholische kinderen die als cipiers over
het huisraad waakten.
We huilden met het smelten van Sylvain de sneeuwman
de vriend die dankzij de gratie van het vriespunt leefde
en we begrepen dat je nooit iets twee maal maken kunt.
Onder de douche dacht ik:
Dit is misschien het hoogtepunt van mijn leven
staarde naar steeds veranderende waterregen
verbond de druppels op de badrand met elkaar.
Ik zag hoe mijn kindertijd eindig was
had heimwee naar de zelf die dit dacht.
Gehypnotiseerd door cohesie en zwaartekracht
liet ik druppels tijd
langs mijn lichaam
door de afvoer glijden.
© 2019, Roberta Petzoldt
From: Vruchtwatervuurlinie
Publisher: Van Oorschot, Amsterdam
From: Vruchtwatervuurlinie
Publisher: Van Oorschot, Amsterdam
Poems of Roberta Petzoldt
Before You Know It
I knew for the first time that a year possessed a numberand wrote 1990 underneath every drawing I had made.
My brother forbade my mother from placing the limp ironing board
out on the street
I saved shards of the first coffee pot I saw shatter.
Two melancholy children guarding the household goods
like prison warders.
We cried as Sylvain the snowman was melting
the friend who lived by virtue of the freezing point
and we understood you can never make something twice.
In the shower I thought:
This might be the highlight of my life
staring at ever changing water rain
connecting the drops on the edge of the bath.
I saw how my childhood was finite
felt homesick for the self who had these thoughts.
Hypnotised by cohesion and gravity
I let drops of time
run across my body
down the drain.
© 2020, Laurens van de Linde
From: Vruchtwatervuurlinie
From: Vruchtwatervuurlinie
Before You Know It
I knew for the first time that a year possessed a numberand wrote 1990 underneath every drawing I had made.
My brother forbade my mother from placing the limp ironing board
out on the street
I saved shards of the first coffee pot I saw shatter.
Two melancholy children guarding the household goods
like prison warders.
We cried as Sylvain the snowman was melting
the friend who lived by virtue of the freezing point
and we understood you can never make something twice.
In the shower I thought:
This might be the highlight of my life
staring at ever changing water rain
connecting the drops on the edge of the bath.
I saw how my childhood was finite
felt homesick for the self who had these thoughts.
Hypnotised by cohesion and gravity
I let drops of time
run across my body
down the drain.
© 2020, Laurens van de Linde

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère