Nyk de Vries
I can still picture it: the carton of juiceon the bedside cabinet, nurses rushing
down the corridor. Sixteen years since
they wheeled her through the MCL.
She’d never heard of ransomware or
Other things on her mind. A different
enemy had ransomed her, taking charge
of her system. A different power left
her hoping and waiting for months,
laughing at her dependence before
presenting its final ultimatum.
If she’d lived, what would she have
made of our future? Of the gates and
walls we need to keep out hackers – of
whatever stripe – to guarantee our
The uncertain future confused her
deeply, I thought. But yesterday, out of
nowhere, I heard Mum whisper:
It’s the best and dearest thing we have.
© Translation: 2020, David Colmer
Ik zie het zo weer voor me: Het pakdubbeldrank op het nachtkasje, zusters
haastig op de gang. Zestien jaar geleden
is het dat ze door het MCL werd gereden.
Geen idee nog van gijzelsoftware of
Ze had andere dingen aan haar hoofd. Een
andere vijand gijzelde haar, controleerde
haar systeem. Een andere macht liet haar
maandenlang hopen en wachten, lachte om
haar afhankelijkheid om uiteindelijk met het
laatste ultimatium aan te komen zetten.
Als ze nog had geleefd, wat had ze van onze
toekomst gevonden? Van de hekken en
muren die we nodig hebben om hackers, van
welke soort ook, buiten de deur te houden,
om onze vrijheden te garanderen?
De ongewisse toekomst had haar zwaar
verward, dacht ik. Maar gisteren, plotseling,
hoorde ik mijn moeder fluisteren:
Het is het beste en duurste dat we hebben.
© Vertaling: 2020, Nyk de Vries
Ik sjoch it sa wer foar my: It pakdûbeldrank op it nachtkastje, susters
hastich op 'e gong. Sechstjin jier lyn is
it dat se troch it MCL riden waard. Gjin
noasje noch fan gizelsoftware of
Se hie oare dingen oan 'e holle. In oare
fijân gizele har, kontrolearre har
systeem. In oare macht liet har
moannenlang hoopje en wachtsje, lake
om har ôfhinklikheid om úteinlik mei it
lêste ultimatum op te draven.
As se noch libbe hie, wat hie se fan ús
takomst fûn? Fan 'e hekken en muorren
dy't we noadich ha om hackers, fan
watfoar soarte ek, bûtendoar te hâlden,
om ús frijheden te garandearjen?
De ûnwisse takomst hie har swier
oangriisd, tocht ik. Mar juster, ynienen,
hearde ik ús mem flústerjen:
It is it bêste en djoerste dat we hawwe.
© 2020, Nyk de Vries
Poems of Nyk de Vries
I can still picture it: the carton of juiceon the bedside cabinet, nurses rushing
down the corridor. Sixteen years since
they wheeled her through the MCL.
She’d never heard of ransomware or
Other things on her mind. A different
enemy had ransomed her, taking charge
of her system. A different power left
her hoping and waiting for months,
laughing at her dependence before
presenting its final ultimatum.
If she’d lived, what would she have
made of our future? Of the gates and
walls we need to keep out hackers – of
whatever stripe – to guarantee our
The uncertain future confused her
deeply, I thought. But yesterday, out of
nowhere, I heard Mum whisper:
It’s the best and dearest thing we have.
© 2020, David Colmer
I can still picture it: the carton of juiceon the bedside cabinet, nurses rushing
down the corridor. Sixteen years since
they wheeled her through the MCL.
She’d never heard of ransomware or
Other things on her mind. A different
enemy had ransomed her, taking charge
of her system. A different power left
her hoping and waiting for months,
laughing at her dependence before
presenting its final ultimatum.
If she’d lived, what would she have
made of our future? Of the gates and
walls we need to keep out hackers – of
whatever stripe – to guarantee our
The uncertain future confused her
deeply, I thought. But yesterday, out of
nowhere, I heard Mum whisper:
It’s the best and dearest thing we have.
© 2020, David Colmer

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère