Gerda Blees
Joanne went to river countryso she could wake up next to men
with soft words on their lips and then
admire the lines
her blue-painted nails
drew on their pimply backs
during forgotten nights
at least that was what she did
following a plan had never been her thing
her qualities lay in the flesh
and blood of her bedfellows
as Joanne’s mother always said
in that river country she experienced things
that we on the coast can only dream of
or collect nightmares about
like water in a leaky pan
but those who get Joanne know better
than to compare her with kitchenware
she spent time outside the cave and only
her outside came home again.
Joanne is naar het rivierenland gegaanom wakker te worden naast mannen
met zachte g’s in de keel en dan
de strepen te bewonderen
die ze in vergeten nachten
met haar blauwgelakte nagels
op hun pukkelige ruggen tekende
dat was tenminste wat ze deed
plannen volgen was nooit echt haar ding geweest
haar kwaliteiten lagen in het vlees
en bloed van haar bedgenoten
vond ook de moeder van
Joanne, in het rivierenland maakte zij dingen mee
waarover wij aan zee alleen maar dromen
of nachtmerries kunnen verzamelen
als water in een doorgeroeste pan
maar wie Joanne kent weet wel beter
dan haar met keukengerei te vergelijken
zij is uit de grot geweest en alleen
haar buitenkant is thuisgekomen.
© 2018, Gerda Blees
From: Dwaallichten
Publisher: Uitgeverij Podium, Amsterdam
From: Dwaallichten
Publisher: Uitgeverij Podium, Amsterdam
Poems of Gerda Blees
Joanne went to river countryso she could wake up next to men
with soft words on their lips and then
admire the lines
her blue-painted nails
drew on their pimply backs
during forgotten nights
at least that was what she did
following a plan had never been her thing
her qualities lay in the flesh
and blood of her bedfellows
as Joanne’s mother always said
in that river country she experienced things
that we on the coast can only dream of
or collect nightmares about
like water in a leaky pan
but those who get Joanne know better
than to compare her with kitchenware
she spent time outside the cave and only
her outside came home again.
From: Dwaallichten
Joanne went to river countryso she could wake up next to men
with soft words on their lips and then
admire the lines
her blue-painted nails
drew on their pimply backs
during forgotten nights
at least that was what she did
following a plan had never been her thing
her qualities lay in the flesh
and blood of her bedfellows
as Joanne’s mother always said
in that river country she experienced things
that we on the coast can only dream of
or collect nightmares about
like water in a leaky pan
but those who get Joanne know better
than to compare her with kitchenware
she spent time outside the cave and only
her outside came home again.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère