Raúl Zurita
The cities of Water (I)
A man in agony has dreamed of you, a man inagony has followed you. One that wanted to die
with you when you wanted to die.
My body is over there thrashed against the reefs
when drowning I saw you emerge and forever
close and forever far you were the unreachable
Everything in you is painful.
Then I greet you and I greet the eternal that lives
in defeat, the irredeemably destroyed,
the endless that lifts itself up from the wrecks,
because if water were our lives, stones were the
It’s not me, my homelands speak to you:
the ocean sound I describe, the stars from the
night cut short.
Illuminance of night your face rises covering the
dawn. You open your eyelids, among them
millions of men leave sleep behind, get on their
buses, and go out,
the cities of water in your eyes
© Translation: 2016, Anna Deeny Morales
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: Northwestern UP, Chicago, 2016
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: Northwestern UP, Chicago, 2016
Steden van water (I)
Een man met hartzeer heeft van je gedroomd, een manmet hartzeer heeft je gevolgd. Iemand die wilde sterven
met jou toen jij wilde sterven.
Daar is mijn lichaam, tegen de kliffen geklapt
toen ik verdronk je zag opduiken en eeuwig
dichtbij en eeuwig ver weg was jij het onbereikbare
Alles in jou is pijnlijk.
Ik groet je dus en groet de eeuwigheid die schuilt
in de nederlaag, in wat onherroepelijk vernietigd is,
de oneindigheid die uit scheepswrakken oprijst,
want waren onze levens water, dan waren stenen tegenspoed.
Ik ben het niet, het zijn mijn thuislanden die tot je
spreken: het oceaangeluid dat ik beschrijf, de sterren
van de rafelige nacht.
Verlicht door de nacht verheft zich je gezicht, verhult
het ochtendgloren. Je slaat je oogleden op, ertussen
schudden miljoenen mannen de slaap af, nemen hun
bussen, stappen uit,
de steden van water in je ogen
© Vertaling: 2019, Lisa Thunnissen
Las ciudades de agua (I)
Un hombre que agoniza te ha soñado, un hombreque agoniza te ha seguido. Uno que quiso morir
contigo cuando tú quisiste morir.
Allí está mi cuerpo estrellado contra los arrecifes
cuando ahogándome te vi emerger y eternamente
cerca y eternamente lejos eras tú la inalcanzable
Todo en ti es doloroso.
Te saludo entonces y saludo a lo eterno que vive
en la derrota, a lo irremediablemente destruido,
al infinito que se levanta desde los naufragios,
porque si agua fueron nuestras vidas, piedras
fueron las desgracias.
No soy yo, son mis patrias las que te hablan: el
sonido de océano que describo, las estrellas de
la recortada noche.
Iluminada de la noche tu cara sube cubriendo
el amanecer. Abres los párpados, entre ellos
millones de hombres dejan el sueño, toman sus
autobuses, salen,
las ciudades de agua en tus ojos
© 2011, Raúl Zurita
From: Zurita
Publisher: Editorial Delirio, Salamanca
From: Zurita
Publisher: Editorial Delirio, Salamanca
Poems of Raúl Zurita
The cities of Water (I)
A man in agony has dreamed of you, a man inagony has followed you. One that wanted to die
with you when you wanted to die.
My body is over there thrashed against the reefs
when drowning I saw you emerge and forever
close and forever far you were the unreachable
Everything in you is painful.
Then I greet you and I greet the eternal that lives
in defeat, the irredeemably destroyed,
the endless that lifts itself up from the wrecks,
because if water were our lives, stones were the
It’s not me, my homelands speak to you:
the ocean sound I describe, the stars from the
night cut short.
Illuminance of night your face rises covering the
dawn. You open your eyelids, among them
millions of men leave sleep behind, get on their
buses, and go out,
the cities of water in your eyes
© 2016, Anna Deeny Morales
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: 2016, Northwestern UP, Chicago
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: 2016, Northwestern UP, Chicago
The cities of Water (I)
A man in agony has dreamed of you, a man inagony has followed you. One that wanted to die
with you when you wanted to die.
My body is over there thrashed against the reefs
when drowning I saw you emerge and forever
close and forever far you were the unreachable
Everything in you is painful.
Then I greet you and I greet the eternal that lives
in defeat, the irredeemably destroyed,
the endless that lifts itself up from the wrecks,
because if water were our lives, stones were the
It’s not me, my homelands speak to you:
the ocean sound I describe, the stars from the
night cut short.
Illuminance of night your face rises covering the
dawn. You open your eyelids, among them
millions of men leave sleep behind, get on their
buses, and go out,
the cities of water in your eyes
© 2016, Anna Deeny Morales
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: 2016, Northwestern UP, Chicago
From: Sky Below: Selected Works by Raúl Zurita
Publisher: 2016, Northwestern UP, Chicago

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère