Raúl Zurita
I remember a journey by sea. At the horizon thesky is infinitely diaphanous and I hear the
silence which becomes huge. Bruno was my
friend. Susana is now thousands of Susanas. The
silence takes me back to an asphalt road beside
the mountains and the small rabbit, stunned and
motionless. I stop and go back. There is a small
blood spot on its mouth, also on the fur at the
neck, it weighs almost nothing in my hands. I
hear the sound of the daisies as they bend.
It has almost no weight. Its lightly reddened
incisors seem to screech at the moon. Susana has
slightly red teeth. Her open mouth shows her
slightly red teeth to the moon, like a screech.
In my imagination I write devastated love letters.
© Translation: 2009, William Rowe
From: INRI
From: INRI
Ik herinner me een reis over zee. Boven de horizonis de hemel oneindig doorschijnend en hoor ik de stilte
die immens wordt. Bruno was mijn vriend. Susana is nu
duizenden Susana’s. De stilte brengt me terug naar een
geasfalteerde weg langs de bergen en naar het kleine
verstijfde roerloze konijn. Ik stop en keer terug. Op
zijn snuit heeft hij een licht spatje bloed, ook op de
vacht in zijn nek, hij is bijna gewichtloos in mijn handen.
Ik hoor het geluid van de margrieten als ze dubbelklappen.
Hij weegt bijna niets. Zijn zachtrood gekleurde snijtanden
lijken naar de maan te gillen. Susana’s tanden hebben
een rode glans. Haar open mond toont de rood
glanzende tanden aan de maan, als een gil.
In gedachten schrijf ik gebroken liefdesbrieven.
Recuerdo un pasaje del mar. Sobre el horizonte elcielo tiene una diafanidad infinita y escucho el
silencio que se vuelve inmenso. Bruno era mi
amigo. Susana es ahora miles de Susana. El
silencio me devuelve a un camino de asfalto al
lado de las montañas y al pequeño conejo
encandilado inmóvil. Me detengo y regreso. En
el hocico tiene una leve mota de sangre, también en el pelaje del cuello, casi no tiene peso en mis
manos. Oigo el sonido de las margaritas al doblarse.
Casi no pesa. Sus incisivos suavemente enrojecidos
parecen chirriarle a la luna. Susana tiene los dientes
apenas rojizos. Su boca abierta le enseña los dientes
apenas rojizos a la luna, como un chirrido.
En la imaginación redacto cartas devastadas de amor.
© 2004, Raul Zurita
From: INRI
Publisher: Editorial Visor, Madrid
From: INRI
Publisher: Editorial Visor, Madrid
Poems of Raúl Zurita
I remember a journey by sea. At the horizon thesky is infinitely diaphanous and I hear the
silence which becomes huge. Bruno was my
friend. Susana is now thousands of Susanas. The
silence takes me back to an asphalt road beside
the mountains and the small rabbit, stunned and
motionless. I stop and go back. There is a small
blood spot on its mouth, also on the fur at the
neck, it weighs almost nothing in my hands. I
hear the sound of the daisies as they bend.
It has almost no weight. Its lightly reddened
incisors seem to screech at the moon. Susana has
slightly red teeth. Her open mouth shows her
slightly red teeth to the moon, like a screech.
In my imagination I write devastated love letters.
© 2009, William Rowe
From: INRI
From: INRI
I remember a journey by sea. At the horizon thesky is infinitely diaphanous and I hear the
silence which becomes huge. Bruno was my
friend. Susana is now thousands of Susanas. The
silence takes me back to an asphalt road beside
the mountains and the small rabbit, stunned and
motionless. I stop and go back. There is a small
blood spot on its mouth, also on the fur at the
neck, it weighs almost nothing in my hands. I
hear the sound of the daisies as they bend.
It has almost no weight. Its lightly reddened
incisors seem to screech at the moon. Susana has
slightly red teeth. Her open mouth shows her
slightly red teeth to the moon, like a screech.
In my imagination I write devastated love letters.
© 2009, William Rowe
From: INRI
From: INRI

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère