Abdel-ilah Salhi
Ideology left us, my friend, at the city entrancein a narrow alley between fortune and malediction
we bit our fingers from over-focusing
and addressed God with obscene words
We circled our sins until we found an exit
no cigarettes, no beer,
no money, no dreams.
we were like a news bulletin
so close to the plausible version of an earthquake.
Your wife left you,
the TV set followed suit,
and the family album
even freedom turned into restraint as you walked from bar to bar.
We covered long miles of highway tunnels,
we drank from the same sour bottle
and from time to time I avoided watching your tears rolling down the side view mirror
Beste vriend, de ideologie heeft ons bij de stadin een nauwe gang tussen geluk en ongeluk achtergelaten
we beten gestrest op onze vingers
en stuurden boze woorden naar god
Wij dwaalden om onze zonden tot we een uitweg zagen
geen sigaretten, geen bier
geen geld en geen dromen
we waren als het nieuwsbulletin
heel dicht bij de logische formule van een aardschok
Jouw vrouw heeft je verlaten
de televisie meegenomen
en het album met familiefoto's
zelfs vrijheid werd een keten van kroeg naar kroeg
We reden mijlen door de snelwegtunnel
dronken uit dezelfde zure fles
en zo nu en dan ontweek ik jouw op de zijspiegel verzamelde tranen
أعداء الحب
تركتنا الايدولوجيا يا صديقي عندَ مدخلِ المدينةفي مَمَرٍ ضيقٍ بين الحظ واللعنة.
قضمنا أصابعنا من فرط التركيز
ووجّهنا للربِّ كلماتٍ نابية.
طُفنا حَوْل ذنوبنا إلى أن وَجَدْنا منفذا.
لا سجائرَ ولا بيرة
لا مال ولا أحلام.
كُنّا كنشرة أخبارٍ
قريبين جدا من صيغةٍ معقولة للزلزال.
هجرتكَ زوجتكَ
اختفى معها التلفاز
وألبوم الصور العائلية.
حتى الحريةُ صارت قيْدا من بارٍ إلى بار.
نَهبنا أميالا طويلة في نفق الطريق السيّار
شربنا من نفْسِ القنينة الحامضة.
ومن حين لآخر كنتُ أتفادى دموعكَ وهي تتكور في المرآة الجانبية للسيارة.
Poems of Abdel-ilah Salhi
Ideology left us, my friend, at the city entrancein a narrow alley between fortune and malediction
we bit our fingers from over-focusing
and addressed God with obscene words
We circled our sins until we found an exit
no cigarettes, no beer,
no money, no dreams.
we were like a news bulletin
so close to the plausible version of an earthquake.
Your wife left you,
the TV set followed suit,
and the family album
even freedom turned into restraint as you walked from bar to bar.
We covered long miles of highway tunnels,
we drank from the same sour bottle
and from time to time I avoided watching your tears rolling down the side view mirror
Ideology left us, my friend, at the city entrancein a narrow alley between fortune and malediction
we bit our fingers from over-focusing
and addressed God with obscene words
We circled our sins until we found an exit
no cigarettes, no beer,
no money, no dreams.
we were like a news bulletin
so close to the plausible version of an earthquake.
Your wife left you,
the TV set followed suit,
and the family album
even freedom turned into restraint as you walked from bar to bar.
We covered long miles of highway tunnels,
we drank from the same sour bottle
and from time to time I avoided watching your tears rolling down the side view mirror

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère