Lisa Robertson
The one that goes cack-cack-cack
Degene die kak-kak-kak doet
Degene die kak-kak-kak doetdegene die hinnikt als een veulen achter in het veld
misschien hebben ze de middelmatigheid van kapitaal geplunderd
om het te kunnen parodiëren als sensatie.
Het grote omvangrijke thema
verschrompelt traag, zwaar, omvangrijk
langzaam duwend tegen het beeldvlak
als een niet-bovennatuurlijke ervaring die dingen verandert
door pasvorm, snit, plooi, manier van vastmaken
niet te stoppen mijmering en overdeterminatie.
Soms ben je
een olifant
en ruil je de fysica in voor
de kosmologie
soms is het lichaam stil
in zijn verwoede poging om evenwicht te vermijden.
The one that goes cack-cack-cack
the one that whinnies like a colt at the back of the field
perhaps they have plundered the mediocrity of capital
to parody it as sensation.
The great elaborate theme
crumples slowly, heavily, elaborately
nudging forward against the picture plane
like a non-supernatural experience that transfigures things
by way of fit, drape, weight, mode of fastening
unstoppable reverie and overdetermination.
Sometimes one is
an elephant
leaving physics behind
for cosmology
sometimes the body is quiet
in its great effort to avoid equilibrium.
the one that whinnies like a colt at the back of the field
perhaps they have plundered the mediocrity of capital
to parody it as sensation.
The great elaborate theme
crumples slowly, heavily, elaborately
nudging forward against the picture plane
like a non-supernatural experience that transfigures things
by way of fit, drape, weight, mode of fastening
unstoppable reverie and overdetermination.
Sometimes one is
an elephant
leaving physics behind
for cosmology
sometimes the body is quiet
in its great effort to avoid equilibrium.
© 2016, Lisa Robertson
From: 3 Summers
Publisher: Coach House Books, Toronto
From: 3 Summers
Publisher: Coach House Books, Toronto
Poems of Lisa Robertson
The one that goes cack-cack-cack
The one that goes cack-cack-cackthe one that whinnies like a colt at the back of the field
perhaps they have plundered the mediocrity of capital
to parody it as sensation.
The great elaborate theme
crumples slowly, heavily, elaborately
nudging forward against the picture plane
like a non-supernatural experience that transfigures things
by way of fit, drape, weight, mode of fastening
unstoppable reverie and overdetermination.
Sometimes one is
an elephant
leaving physics behind
for cosmology
sometimes the body is quiet
in its great effort to avoid equilibrium.
From: 3 Summers
The one that goes cack-cack-cack

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère