Lisa Robertson
Or is it all quite different?
Of is het allemaal helemaal anders?
Of is het allemaal helemaal anders?zo bruut als de onpersoonlijke nevel
het niet-menselijke lichaam van de nevel
dat de kachel van god stookt.
Gezondheid is niet wettelijk geregeld
ze ontplooit zich rauw op de tafel
de mate waarin haar betekenis niet bestaat rijpt
duizend jaren gaan voorbij.
De beweging, net buiten de waarneming
voltrekt zich over ledematen, huid, organen, haar
alsof dit gevoel de bedoeling had zich niet te laten uitdrukken
de schaal ervan is ongekend maar doordringend.
Or is it all quite different?
as brutal as the impersonal damp
the non-human body of the damp
feeding the stove of god.
Health is unlegislated
it unfurls raw on the table
the extent to which its meaning does not exist ripens
a thousand years pass.
The movement, just outside perception
traverses limbs, skin, organs, hair
as if it were the purpose of this sentiment not to be expressed
its scale is unknown but pervasive.
as brutal as the impersonal damp
the non-human body of the damp
feeding the stove of god.
Health is unlegislated
it unfurls raw on the table
the extent to which its meaning does not exist ripens
a thousand years pass.
The movement, just outside perception
traverses limbs, skin, organs, hair
as if it were the purpose of this sentiment not to be expressed
its scale is unknown but pervasive.
© 2016, Lisa Robertson
From: 3 Summers
Publisher: Coach House Books, Toronto
From: 3 Summers
Publisher: Coach House Books, Toronto
Poems of Lisa Robertson
Or is it all quite different?
Or is it all quite different?as brutal as the impersonal damp
the non-human body of the damp
feeding the stove of god.
Health is unlegislated
it unfurls raw on the table
the extent to which its meaning does not exist ripens
a thousand years pass.
The movement, just outside perception
traverses limbs, skin, organs, hair
as if it were the purpose of this sentiment not to be expressed
its scale is unknown but pervasive.
From: 3 Summers
Or is it all quite different?

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère