Lisa Robertson
Which brings about a beautiful idea –
Dat leidt tot een mooi idee –
Dat leidt tot een mooi idee –in de geschiedenis is er altijd iemand
en dat wat iemand heeft gemaakt:
een polder
van schaalmodel keukenstoelen en gebruikte dossiermapjes
en onderzoek als plezier. Dit kleine verzet
verspreidt zich schuimachtig over het
sociale oppervlak, en het is groot genoeg
om alles te bevatten. Het is de bevrijding
van de materie. Hoe ziet die eruit? Wil ik
ook weten, maar ik denk niet dat het
optisch is.
Ik droom ervan te ontsnappen te rennen in het graanveld.
In het graanveld vind ik kleine, gehavende beschavingen.
Ze geven me iets om handen.
Which brings about a beautiful idea –
in history there is always someone
and there is what someone has made:
a polder
of half-scale kitchen chairs and used file folders
and research as pleasure. This slight revolt
distributes itself froth-like over the
social surface, and it is large enough
to hold everything. It is the liberation
of matter. What does that look like? I want
to know too, but I think it’s not
I dream of escaping running into the cornfield.
Inside the cornfield I find tiny battered civilizations.
They give me something to do.
in history there is always someone
and there is what someone has made:
a polder
of half-scale kitchen chairs and used file folders
and research as pleasure. This slight revolt
distributes itself froth-like over the
social surface, and it is large enough
to hold everything. It is the liberation
of matter. What does that look like? I want
to know too, but I think it’s not
I dream of escaping running into the cornfield.
Inside the cornfield I find tiny battered civilizations.
They give me something to do.
© 2016, Lisa Robertson
From: 3 Summers
Publisher: Coach House Books, Toronto
From: 3 Summers
Publisher: Coach House Books, Toronto
Poems of Lisa Robertson
Which brings about a beautiful idea –
Which brings about a beautiful idea –in history there is always someone
and there is what someone has made:
a polder
of half-scale kitchen chairs and used file folders
and research as pleasure. This slight revolt
distributes itself froth-like over the
social surface, and it is large enough
to hold everything. It is the liberation
of matter. What does that look like? I want
to know too, but I think it’s not
I dream of escaping running into the cornfield.
Inside the cornfield I find tiny battered civilizations.
They give me something to do.
From: 3 Summers
Which brings about a beautiful idea –

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère