Sonja vom Brocke
where it mirrors and blurs in its reversaldries
it would not have expected that
makes icicles in the eye of the pen
like morse-tapping paws
it swipes off into bent-away space
a total lack of instruments
no backing up and breakthrough
neither exhaust nor clouds
of vapour nor wisps
it just can’t do it!
What is your position on affirmation
of cats’ games and bunkers, on the mixing of drinks per glass?
Everything a constellation
of probable light and bad luck
but illustrating the chronology of ending with sitcoms –
only G. could think of that
waar ’t spiegelt en basta vervaagtdroogt
daar had ’t niet op gerekend
maakt kegels in het oog van de stift
af als pootgebaren
slaat ’t in ’t weggebogen heelal
daar ontbreekt elke armatuur
geen rug en doorslag
uitlaat noch damp
-wolken noch patrouilles
het kan ook niet!
Hoe staat u tegenover de bekrachtiging
van kattenspelletjes en bunkers, tegenover het mixen van drinks per glas?
Dit alles een constellatie
van het waarschijnlijke licht en ongeluk
maar met sitcoms de chronologie van het beëindigen verluchten
kon alleen G. bedenken
wo’s spiegelt und punktum verwischttrocknet
damit hätte es nicht gerechnet
macht Zapfen im Auge des Stifts
ab wie Tatzenmorsen
schlägt’s ins weggebogene All
da fehlt jegliche Armatur
keine Rücken und Durchschlag
weder Auspuff noch Schwaden
-wolken noch Streifen
es kann ja nicht!
Wie stehen Sie zur Affirmation
von Katzenspielen und Bunkern, dem Mixen von Drinks pro Glas?
Alles eine Konstellation
des wahrscheinlichen Lichts und Unglücks
aber mit Sitcoms die Chronologie des Beendens bebildern
konnte nur G. einfallen
© 2015, Sonja vom Brocke
From: Venice singt
Publisher: kookbooks, Berlin
From: Venice singt
Publisher: kookbooks, Berlin
Poems of Sonja vom Brocke
where it mirrors and blurs in its reversaldries
it would not have expected that
makes icicles in the eye of the pen
like morse-tapping paws
it swipes off into bent-away space
a total lack of instruments
no backing up and breakthrough
neither exhaust nor clouds
of vapour nor wisps
it just can’t do it!
What is your position on affirmation
of cats’ games and bunkers, on the mixing of drinks per glass?
Everything a constellation
of probable light and bad luck
but illustrating the chronology of ending with sitcoms –
only G. could think of that
From: Venice singt
where it mirrors and blurs in its reversaldries
it would not have expected that
makes icicles in the eye of the pen
like morse-tapping paws
it swipes off into bent-away space
a total lack of instruments
no backing up and breakthrough
neither exhaust nor clouds
of vapour nor wisps
it just can’t do it!
What is your position on affirmation
of cats’ games and bunkers, on the mixing of drinks per glass?
Everything a constellation
of probable light and bad luck
but illustrating the chronology of ending with sitcoms –
only G. could think of that

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère