Sonja vom Brocke
a Lunatica cobbled togetherfrom shorthand trunk and bones
; only as vocabulary Le Luxe von Bräuns supplied the milk for a
vegan decade in which keyboards – insects hitch-hiked through the world’s cities
a pyramid shape shovelled a Lethe tomb complete with scarred As, palate and treacherous suns
Lunatica’s millwheel eyes pondered bears of reality, but how
were they supposed to stand up straight, in the spindrift valley of the toxic idea
on the hygiene waste tip of discarded foetuses?
After hieroglyph wars the kiss of a smuggled grizzly
© Translation: 2016, Catherine Hales
op stenoslurf en -beenderen’n Lunatica geplakt
; alleen naar de letter leverde Le Luxe von Bräuns de melk voor een
vegaan decennium, waarin toetsenborden – insecten door wereldsteden liftten
groef wat pyramidaals, inclusief A’s vol littekens, verhemelte en gemene zonnen
een Lethegraf
de raderogen van Lunatica overwogen beren van realiteit, maar
hoe moesten ze rechtop staan, in het schuimdal van het gifidee
op de hygiënemolm van gesorteerde foetussen?
Na hiërogliefenoorlogen de zoen van een gesmokkelde grizzly
© Vertaling: 2016, Ton Naaijkens
aus Stenorüssel und -gebeinne Lunatika geleimt
; nur in Vokabeln lieferte Le Luxe von Bräuns die Milch für ein
veganes Jahrzehnt, in dem Tastaturen – Insekten durch Weltstädte trampten
schaufelte Pyramidales, samt narbigen As, Gaumen und tückischen Sonnen
ein Lethegrab
die Räderaugen Lunatikas erwogen Bären der Realität, wie
aber sollten sie aufrecht stehen, im Gischttal der Giftidee
auf dem Hygienemull aussortierter Föten?
Nach Hieroglyphenkriegen der Kuss eines geschmuggelten Grizzlys
© 2015, Sonja vom Brocke
From: Venice singt
Publisher: kookbooks, Berlin
From: Venice singt
Publisher: kookbooks, Berlin
Poems of Sonja vom Brocke
a Lunatica cobbled togetherfrom shorthand trunk and bones
; only as vocabulary Le Luxe von Bräuns supplied the milk for a
vegan decade in which keyboards – insects hitch-hiked through the world’s cities
a pyramid shape shovelled a Lethe tomb complete with scarred As, palate and treacherous suns
Lunatica’s millwheel eyes pondered bears of reality, but how
were they supposed to stand up straight, in the spindrift valley of the toxic idea
on the hygiene waste tip of discarded foetuses?
After hieroglyph wars the kiss of a smuggled grizzly
© 2016, Catherine Hales
From: Venice singt
From: Venice singt
a Lunatica cobbled togetherfrom shorthand trunk and bones
; only as vocabulary Le Luxe von Bräuns supplied the milk for a
vegan decade in which keyboards – insects hitch-hiked through the world’s cities
a pyramid shape shovelled a Lethe tomb complete with scarred As, palate and treacherous suns
Lunatica’s millwheel eyes pondered bears of reality, but how
were they supposed to stand up straight, in the spindrift valley of the toxic idea
on the hygiene waste tip of discarded foetuses?
After hieroglyph wars the kiss of a smuggled grizzly
© 2016, Catherine Hales

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère