Răzvan Ţupa
I think it was something I ate or may- be I heard it hissed through the teeth: ‘God’s a Gypsy and that’s how it always has been: they told him the local customs and He had the knack to amuse them all the time and speak to them in their languages and listen to all they said but it was enough for Him to say what- ever came to mind and He’d soon be told, You’re a kind of traditionalist, you know, an extremist, yeah! Of course God’s a Gypsy. They were fully prepared to tell Him what He wanted and follow His dress code His rules against dis- order so what could He do, He makes them right because they’re His, God’s a Gypsy like all the homosexuals like the bi’s and the hetero’s too Only the dainty seahorses remain pure [and Romanians for sure]’ God’s chosen mechanic suddenly explained and vanished like eczema. P.S. I’ve no idea, was it an allergy Or some bigshot from the gendarmerieGOD IS EEN ZIGEUNER
Ik geloof dat ik iets had gegeten of het kwam tussen de tanden door, maar ik hoorde: ‘God is een zigeuner en zo is het Altijd geweest: ze vertelden Hem de plaat- selijke gewoonten en Hij had het talent om hen steeds weer te amuseren en hen in al- le talen toe te spreken en naar hen te luisteren, maar het volstond dat Hij één ding ver- telde waarin hij geloofde en Hij hoor- de: Ja, je bent zoiets als een traditionalist, zeg maar een extremist, o zeker, God is een zigeuner. Iedereen was bereid Hem te zeggen wat Hij zei en zich zo te kle- den dat het Hem niet stoor- de tja wat moest Hij doen, Hij gaf ze gelijk omdat ze de Zijnen waren, God is een zigeuner zoals alle homoseksuelen zoals alle biseksuelen en heteroseksuelen, alleen de zeepaardjes blijven zuiver [en de Roemenen]’ Gods mechaniek werd plots uitgelegd en verdween als onbeduidend eczeem. PS Ik heb er geen flauw benul van of het een allergie was Dan wel iemand van de gendarmerieDUMNEZEU E ŢIGAN
Cred că mâncasem ceva sau era de la dinţi, dar aud „Dumnezeu e ţigan şi aşa a fost Mereu: i-au spus obiceiurile lo- cului şi li s-a părut talentat ori de câte ori i-a amuzat şi le-a vor- bit în toate limbile lor şi i-a ascultat dar ajungea să spună un singur lu- cru pe care îl credea El şi au- zea: Da’ tu eşti cam tradiţionalist, aşa, extremistule, o da Dumnezeu e ţigan. Fiecare a fost gata să Îi spună ce spune El şi ce ar tre- bui să îmbrace ca să nu-i deran- jeze şi El ce să facă, le dă dreptate pentru că-s ai Lui, Dumnezeu e ţigan ca toţi homosexualii ca toţi cei bisexuali şi heterosexuali, numai căluţii de mare rămân puri [şi românii]” mi-a spus brusc mecanicul lui Dumnezeu şi s-a dus ca o eczemă minoră. P.S. Habar n-am dacă era o alergie Sau doar cineva de la jandarmerie
Poems of Răzvan Ţupa
I think it was something I ate or may- be I heard it hissed through the teeth: ‘God’s a Gypsy and that’s how it always has been: they told him the local customs and He had the knack to amuse them all the time and speak to them in their languages and listen to all they said but it was enough for Him to say what- ever came to mind and He’d soon be told, You’re a kind of traditionalist, you know, an extremist, yeah! Of course God’s a Gypsy. They were fully prepared to tell Him what He wanted and follow His dress code His rules against dis- order so what could He do, He makes them right because they’re His, God’s a Gypsy like all the homosexuals like the bi’s and the hetero’s too Only the dainty seahorses remain pure [and Romanians for sure]’ God’s chosen mechanic suddenly explained and vanished like eczema. P.S. I’ve no idea, was it an allergy Or some bigshot from the gendarmerieGOD’S A GYPSY
I think it was something I ate or may- be I heard it hissed through the teeth: ‘God’s a Gypsy and that’s how it always has been: they told him the local customs and He had the knack to amuse them all the time and speak to them in their languages and listen to all they said but it was enough for Him to say what- ever came to mind and He’d soon be told, You’re a kind of traditionalist, you know, an extremist, yeah! Of course God’s a Gypsy. They were fully prepared to tell Him what He wanted and follow His dress code His rules against dis- order so what could He do, He makes them right because they’re His, God’s a Gypsy like all the homosexuals like the bi’s and the hetero’s too Only the dainty seahorses remain pure [and Romanians for sure]’ God’s chosen mechanic suddenly explained and vanished like eczema. P.S. I’ve no idea, was it an allergy Or some bigshot from the gendarmerieSponsors

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère