Răzvan Ţupa
From a political point of view this is happiness: burning all together without a beginning in a huge low budget movie Just perfect to chew Just the perfect condition for assuming anything except presence Beggars with D&G caps wave and smile sadly assuring that life can be lived and devoured Cheap hats on official buildings sing: Bend your breath because this is an olfactory city it’s memory, just a maze of smells and it is all eatable This is history and folds on clothes that people keep wearing and most of the time this is the realm where garments wear people down: The whole world in human form Everyone has personal names for public places, but here every place marks individual flavour for each passerby And it is always something from somewhere else Mannequins with neat plastic eyes watch the show from shop windows as they rule the next fashion trend: We’ve tried these tailored dreams last year people are so old fashioned, they say, they insist Actually this is the most expensive place to die So if you eat you’ll be hungry if you drink you'll be thirsty and this is our policy: whatever you need we’ll name an official to take care of you Like in a photo, like in a movie we are the real Romanians, we never swallow, we never use our teeth just follow the signs they are never right but error is human at least and tends to get a religious meaning up, just look: all the sky is an unofficial flag with strange symbols inventing unpronounceable words All you’ve known of communism hurts here And we make fun of it Sometimes it’s got a nice financial face and speaks in funny ways, because of Dracula’s straight teeth (of course): each tooth – a tear, as big as the palace with 1000 glass breasts that rise right in the middle of this cinematographic mouth feeds excuses like an African mother with American shoes and aboriginal beliefs. Just like anyone in Eurasia just laughing until snow bursts in flames and dancing until late in the summer. And then, one more time We’re sorry and do it again
© Translation: 2011, Răzvan Ţupa
Vanuit een politiek standpunt is dit geluk: zonder begin vatten we allemaal samen vlam op een plek in een grote lowbudgetfilm net goed om te herkauwen in een vorm om alles op ons te nemen, behalve onze aanwezigheid Bedelaars met D&G-petjes zwaaien en glimlachen chagrijnig terwijl ze ons verzekeren dat het leven de moeite waard is om te worden geleefd en verslonden Spotgoedkope hoeden zingen op officiële gebouwen: Leg een knoop in je ademhaling, dit is een olfactorische stad De herinnering eraan is niets meer dan een doolhof van geuren en het is allemaal eetbaar Dit is geschiedenis gevouwen in kleren die de mensen blijven dragen en het grootste deel van de tijd is dit de streek waar kleren de mensen afdragen Iedereen in menselijke vorm Wie dan ook heeft andere namen voor bekende plekjes maar hier plakt elk plekje een bijzonder aroma aan elke voorbijganger En het is altijd iets van elders Mannequins met doorzichtige plastic ogen volgen het schouwspel naarmate ze de volgende mode dicteren: We hebben die droomsnit vorig jaar uitgeprobeerd De mensen zijn zo ouderwets! zeggen ze Ze benadrukken dat ze allemaal zullen sterven Maar dit de duurste plek om te sterven dus als je eet, zul je honger hebben als je drinkt, zul je dorst hebben Dat is ons beleid Telkens als je iets verlangt zullen we een beambte aanstellen die zich om je zal bekommeren als in foto’s, als in films wij zijn de ware Roemenen wij slikken nooit, we gebruiken nooit onze tanden volg gewoon de pijlen Ze zijn nooit juist maar vergissen is op zijn minst menselijk en neigt ernaar opwaarts een religieuze betekenis te krijgen Kijk: de hele hemel is een officieuze vlag met rare symbolen die onuitspreekbare woorden uitvinden Alles wat je ooit wist over het communisme doet hier pijn wij spelen ermee Soms heeft het een financieel snoetje en praat het grappig, vanwege Dracula’s tanden (ongetwijfeld): elke tand, een huizenhoge traan met duizend glazen borsten die krek in het midden van die cinematografische mond oprijzen gevoed met verontschuldigingen zoals een Afrikaanse moeder met Amerikaanse schoenen en inheemse geloofsovertuigingen Net als iedereen in Eurazië lachen we tot de sneeuw in vlammen uitbarst en tot ver in de zomer danst en dan opnieuw het spijt ons en we doen het weer
© Vertaling: 2011, Răzvan Ţupa
Din punct de vedere politic asta-i fericire: fără început aprinşi încet toţi la un loc într-un mare film ieftin numai bun de rumegat în formă ca să ne asumăm orice, mai puţin prezenţa Cerşetori cu şepci D&G fac cu mâna şi zâmbesc acru asigurându-ne că viaţa merită trăită şi devorată Pălării de doi lei cântă de pe clădirile oficiale: Înnoadă-ţi răsuflarea, ăsta-i un oraş olfactiv Amintirea lui e doar un labirint de mirosuri şi e toată comestibilă Asta-i istoria pliată în hainele pe care le tot porţi şi mai mereu ăsta-i ţinutul unde hainele-i poartă pe oameni la groapă Toată lumea în formă umană Oricare are nume diferite pentru locuri cunoscute dar aici orice loc lipeşte arome speciale pentru fiecare trecător Şi e mereu ceva din altă parte Manechine cu ochi limpezi din plastic urmăresc spectacolul pe măsură ce dictează următoarea modă: Am încercat croiala asta de vise anul trecut Oamenii sunt aşa demodaţi! zic ele Insistă să tot moară Ori aici e cel mai scump să mori aşa că dacă mănânci, o să-ţi fie foame dacă bei, o să ţi se facă sete Asta-i politica noastră Orice pofteşti numim un şef să aibă grijă de tine ca în poze, ca în filme noi suntem adevăraţii români noi nu înghiţim, noi nu ne folosim dinţii doar mergi după săgeţi Nu-s niciodată corecte dar greşeala e cel puţin omenească şi tinde să capete un sens religios în sus Uite: tot cerul e un steag neoficial cu semne ciudate care inventează cuvinte de nepronunţat Tot ce ştii despre comunism aici doare şi facem bâză de asta Uneori are o faţă financiară şi vorbeşte nostim, din cauza dinţilor lui Dracula (desigur): fiecare dinte, o lacrimă mare cât casa cu 1000 de sâni din sticlă se ridică fix în mijlocul acestei guri cinematografice hrănită cu scuze ca o mamă africană cu încălţări americane şi credinţe aborigene Ca oricine din Eurasia râdem până zăpada izbucneşte în flăcări şi dansează până vara târziu şi apoi iar ne pare rău şi facem din nou
© 2011, Răzvan Ţupa
From: “poetic. cerul din delft şi alte corpuri româneşti”
From: “poetic. cerul din delft şi alte corpuri româneşti”
Poems of Răzvan Ţupa
From a political point of view this is happiness: burning all together without a beginning in a huge low budget movie Just perfect to chew Just the perfect condition for assuming anything except presence Beggars with D&G caps wave and smile sadly assuring that life can be lived and devoured Cheap hats on official buildings sing: Bend your breath because this is an olfactory city it’s memory, just a maze of smells and it is all eatable This is history and folds on clothes that people keep wearing and most of the time this is the realm where garments wear people down: The whole world in human form Everyone has personal names for public places, but here every place marks individual flavour for each passerby And it is always something from somewhere else Mannequins with neat plastic eyes watch the show from shop windows as they rule the next fashion trend: We’ve tried these tailored dreams last year people are so old fashioned, they say, they insist Actually this is the most expensive place to die So if you eat you’ll be hungry if you drink you'll be thirsty and this is our policy: whatever you need we’ll name an official to take care of you Like in a photo, like in a movie we are the real Romanians, we never swallow, we never use our teeth just follow the signs they are never right but error is human at least and tends to get a religious meaning up, just look: all the sky is an unofficial flag with strange symbols inventing unpronounceable words All you’ve known of communism hurts here And we make fun of it Sometimes it’s got a nice financial face and speaks in funny ways, because of Dracula’s straight teeth (of course): each tooth – a tear, as big as the palace with 1000 glass breasts that rise right in the middle of this cinematographic mouth feeds excuses like an African mother with American shoes and aboriginal beliefs. Just like anyone in Eurasia just laughing until snow bursts in flames and dancing until late in the summer. And then, one more time We’re sorry and do it again
© 2011, Răzvan Ţupa
From: “poetic. cerul din delft şi alte corpuri româneşti”
From: “poetic. cerul din delft şi alte corpuri româneşti”
From a political point of view this is happiness: burning all together without a beginning in a huge low budget movie Just perfect to chew Just the perfect condition for assuming anything except presence Beggars with D&G caps wave and smile sadly assuring that life can be lived and devoured Cheap hats on official buildings sing: Bend your breath because this is an olfactory city it’s memory, just a maze of smells and it is all eatable This is history and folds on clothes that people keep wearing and most of the time this is the realm where garments wear people down: The whole world in human form Everyone has personal names for public places, but here every place marks individual flavour for each passerby And it is always something from somewhere else Mannequins with neat plastic eyes watch the show from shop windows as they rule the next fashion trend: We’ve tried these tailored dreams last year people are so old fashioned, they say, they insist Actually this is the most expensive place to die So if you eat you’ll be hungry if you drink you'll be thirsty and this is our policy: whatever you need we’ll name an official to take care of you Like in a photo, like in a movie we are the real Romanians, we never swallow, we never use our teeth just follow the signs they are never right but error is human at least and tends to get a religious meaning up, just look: all the sky is an unofficial flag with strange symbols inventing unpronounceable words All you’ve known of communism hurts here And we make fun of it Sometimes it’s got a nice financial face and speaks in funny ways, because of Dracula’s straight teeth (of course): each tooth – a tear, as big as the palace with 1000 glass breasts that rise right in the middle of this cinematographic mouth feeds excuses like an African mother with American shoes and aboriginal beliefs. Just like anyone in Eurasia just laughing until snow bursts in flames and dancing until late in the summer. And then, one more time We’re sorry and do it again
© 2011, Răzvan Ţupa

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère