Răzvan Ţupa
a romanian body is the other to whom you transfer all that you are; you always had a cousin at school who’d seen, who’d done it all – he was the romanian body for each of us who’d trafficked in luxury cars for each of us as our debt as our possibility the same for any fear on the hair at the back of your neck maybe one or maybe many whom you dreamed on; and this dream is what you’ve been doing since you woke up, till late at night then, at a very clear moment, my phonetic shadow is falling everywhere with a breeze of touch maybe one, or maybe many tongues stuck out into the air; our duty is pleasure; slowly on the roof of our mouths the stars will shineDE STERREN SPREKEN JE TAAL
een roemeens lichaam is de ander aan wie je alles wat je bent overdraagt op school had iedereen een neef die alles zag alles deed hij was het roemeense lichaam voor ieder van ons hij sjacherde in luxeauto’s voor ieder van ons als een plicht als een mogelijkheid dezelfde voor elke angst van het dons in onze nek misschien één of misschien velen in wie je droomde en de droom is wat je hebt gedaan sinds je wakker werd tot laat in de avond op een glashelder moment toen mijn fonetische schaduw overal neerdwarrelde met een vluchtige aanraking misschien één of misschien velen met in de lucht uitgestoken tong onze plicht is ons plezier op ons verhemelte verschijnt de ene ster na de andere
© Vertaling: 2003, Răzvan Ţupa
un corp românesc este celălalt căruia îi transferi tot ce eşti la şcoală toţi aveam un văr care văzuse care făcuse era corpul românesc al fiecăruia dintre noi face trafic de maşini de lux al fiecăruia dintre noi ca o datorie ca o posibilitate acelaşi pentru fiecare frică a pufului nostru de pe ceafă câte unul sau mai mulţi în care visezi şi visul este ceea ce faci de când te trezeşti până seara târziu într-un moment foarte clar când umbra mea fonetică se lasă peste tot cu o briză de atingeri câte una sau mai mulţi cu limba înfiptă în aer datoria noastră e plăcerea pe cerul gurii stelele apar una după alta
© 2003, Răzvan Ţupa
From: “fetiş – o carte românească a plăcerii”
From: “fetiş – o carte românească a plăcerii”
Poems of Răzvan Ţupa
a romanian body is the other to whom you transfer all that you are; you always had a cousin at school who’d seen, who’d done it all – he was the romanian body for each of us who’d trafficked in luxury cars for each of us as our debt as our possibility the same for any fear on the hair at the back of your neck maybe one or maybe many whom you dreamed on; and this dream is what you’ve been doing since you woke up, till late at night then, at a very clear moment, my phonetic shadow is falling everywhere with a breeze of touch maybe one, or maybe many tongues stuck out into the air; our duty is pleasure; slowly on the roof of our mouths the stars will shine
From: “fetiş – o carte românească a plăcerii”
a romanian body is the other to whom you transfer all that you are; you always had a cousin at school who’d seen, who’d done it all – he was the romanian body for each of us who’d trafficked in luxury cars for each of us as our debt as our possibility the same for any fear on the hair at the back of your neck maybe one or maybe many whom you dreamed on; and this dream is what you’ve been doing since you woke up, till late at night then, at a very clear moment, my phonetic shadow is falling everywhere with a breeze of touch maybe one, or maybe many tongues stuck out into the air; our duty is pleasure; slowly on the roof of our mouths the stars will shineSponsors

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère