Rune Christiansen
The escalators down to the subway lead the shadows ambiguously home. In the absence of other gods, we eagerly greet the chill draught from the trains.
In Poems Around Zero Karl Vennberg wrote: “Someone, perhaps you, seems to be taking a rest,/ though in great unrest,” and then “Someone, perhaps myself, raises an arm/ as against a delayed attack”, and elsewhere: “For a moment to stand there outside/ and avoid recognizing oneself!”
We played soccer on a little piece of land, used an empty water bottle and a jacket as goal. I thought of all the years that had gone. When darkness came, we continued for another hour.
The two boys shivering in the rain will soon themselves turn into rain.
One no longer sees oneself as a child in one’s childhood.
In Poems Around Zero Karl Vennberg wrote: “Someone, perhaps you, seems to be taking a rest,/ though in great unrest,” and then “Someone, perhaps myself, raises an arm/ as against a delayed attack”, and elsewhere: “For a moment to stand there outside/ and avoid recognizing oneself!”
We played soccer on a little piece of land, used an empty water bottle and a jacket as goal. I thought of all the years that had gone. When darkness came, we continued for another hour.
The two boys shivering in the rain will soon themselves turn into rain.
One no longer sees oneself as a child in one’s childhood.
© Translation: 2011, David McDuff
Rulletrappene ned til undergrunnen leder skyggene tvetydig hjem. I mangel av andre guder tar vi velvillig imot den kjølige trekken fra togene.
I Dikter kring noll skrev Karl Vennberg: «Någon, kanske du, tycks vila sig,/ fast i stor oro», og deretter: «Någon, kanske jag själv, lyfter en arm/ som mot ett försenat angrepp», og et annet sted: «Att något ögonblick stå där utanför/ och slippa att känna igjen sig!»
Vi sparket fotball på en liten løkke, brukte en tom vannflaske og en jakke som mål. Jeg tenkte på alle årene som hadde gått. Da mørket kom, fortsatte vi enda en times tid.
De to guttene som skjelver i regnet blir snart selv til regn.
Man ser seg ikke lenger som et barn i sin barndom.
I Dikter kring noll skrev Karl Vennberg: «Någon, kanske du, tycks vila sig,/ fast i stor oro», og deretter: «Någon, kanske jag själv, lyfter en arm/ som mot ett försenat angrepp», og et annet sted: «Att något ögonblick stå där utanför/ och slippa att känna igjen sig!»
Vi sparket fotball på en liten løkke, brukte en tom vannflaske og en jakke som mål. Jeg tenkte på alle årene som hadde gått. Da mørket kom, fortsatte vi enda en times tid.
De to guttene som skjelver i regnet blir snart selv til regn.
Man ser seg ikke lenger som et barn i sin barndom.
© 2011, Rune Christiansen
From: Jeg har tenkt meg til de elysiske sletter
Publisher: Forlaget Oktober, Oslo
From: Jeg har tenkt meg til de elysiske sletter
Publisher: Forlaget Oktober, Oslo
Poems of Rune Christiansen
The escalators down to the subway lead the shadows ambiguously home. In the absence of other gods, we eagerly greet the chill draught from the trains.
In Poems Around Zero Karl Vennberg wrote: “Someone, perhaps you, seems to be taking a rest,/ though in great unrest,” and then “Someone, perhaps myself, raises an arm/ as against a delayed attack”, and elsewhere: “For a moment to stand there outside/ and avoid recognizing oneself!”
We played soccer on a little piece of land, used an empty water bottle and a jacket as goal. I thought of all the years that had gone. When darkness came, we continued for another hour.
The two boys shivering in the rain will soon themselves turn into rain.
One no longer sees oneself as a child in one’s childhood.
In Poems Around Zero Karl Vennberg wrote: “Someone, perhaps you, seems to be taking a rest,/ though in great unrest,” and then “Someone, perhaps myself, raises an arm/ as against a delayed attack”, and elsewhere: “For a moment to stand there outside/ and avoid recognizing oneself!”
We played soccer on a little piece of land, used an empty water bottle and a jacket as goal. I thought of all the years that had gone. When darkness came, we continued for another hour.
The two boys shivering in the rain will soon themselves turn into rain.
One no longer sees oneself as a child in one’s childhood.
© 2011, David McDuff
From: Jeg har tenkt meg til de elysiske sletter
From: Jeg har tenkt meg til de elysiske sletter
The escalators down to the subway lead the shadows ambiguously home. In the absence of other gods, we eagerly greet the chill draught from the trains.
In Poems Around Zero Karl Vennberg wrote: “Someone, perhaps you, seems to be taking a rest,/ though in great unrest,” and then “Someone, perhaps myself, raises an arm/ as against a delayed attack”, and elsewhere: “For a moment to stand there outside/ and avoid recognizing oneself!”
We played soccer on a little piece of land, used an empty water bottle and a jacket as goal. I thought of all the years that had gone. When darkness came, we continued for another hour.
The two boys shivering in the rain will soon themselves turn into rain.
One no longer sees oneself as a child in one’s childhood.
In Poems Around Zero Karl Vennberg wrote: “Someone, perhaps you, seems to be taking a rest,/ though in great unrest,” and then “Someone, perhaps myself, raises an arm/ as against a delayed attack”, and elsewhere: “For a moment to stand there outside/ and avoid recognizing oneself!”
We played soccer on a little piece of land, used an empty water bottle and a jacket as goal. I thought of all the years that had gone. When darkness came, we continued for another hour.
The two boys shivering in the rain will soon themselves turn into rain.
One no longer sees oneself as a child in one’s childhood.
© 2011, David McDuff
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